Change comes in the twinkling of an eye
120여년 전 사람들은 거의 대부분 마차를 타고 다녔었습니다. 지금은 어떤가요? 마차를 볼 수 조차 없죠? 전부 자동차를 타고 다닙니다.
이렇게 되기까지 몇 년이나 걸렸을까요?
아래 사진은 1900년 (1900년대가 아닌 정확히 1900년)에 찍은 뉴욕 거리의 모습입니다.
사진에는 온통 마차만 보이는군요.
하지만 내연기관 자동차도 한 대 있습니다.
그 한 대의 자동차를 찾아보세요~ ㅎㅎ
아래의 사진은 1913년에 찍은 뉴욕 거리의 모습입니다.
마차로만 가득했던 거리에 이제는 자동차가 빽빽합니다. 이번 사진속에는 자동차 대신 마차가 한 대 보이네요. 그 마차도 한 번 찾아보세요. ^^
운송수단으로써 자동차가 마차를 거의 완벽히 대체하는데 불과 13년이면 충분했습니다. 13년 동안 대부분의 마부들은 일자리를 잃었고 관련된 산업은 급속도로 몰락했습니다. 이처럼 혁명적인 변화는 파괴적이고 다가오는 속도 또한 매우 빠릅니다.
하지만 혁명적인 변화가 빠르게 일어난다고는 해도 10여년의 시간이 필요하기 때문에 직접적으로 관련이 없는 개개인은 미처 눈치채지 못하고 지나쳐버릴 수도 있습니다.
운송수단이 마차에서 자동차로 바뀐 것과 같은 사례를 오늘 날에도 관심만 가지면 쉽게 발견 할 수 있습니다. 얼마전에 제가 말씀드린 에너지 패러다임의 변화
(가 대표적인 예입니다.
제가 이런 이야기를 하는 이유는 급격한 변화의 시기에 적절히 대처하면 경제적으로 부흥할 수 있는 기회를 잡을 수 있기 때문입니다. 이러한 혁명기에 대비하기 위해서는 관련된 산업에 직접 뛰어드는 것이 가장 능동적이겠지만 직접적인 관련이 없는 우리도 현재의 직장을 그대로 다님과 동시에 변화에 부응하고 경제적인 이득을 충분히 취할 방법이 있습니다.
그 방법은 물론 혁명기에 있는 분야의 유망한 회사의 주식을 사서 모으는 것이 되겠습니다.
제가 생각하는 10년 - 20년 이내에 인류가 맞이 할 급격한 변화들
1. 에너지: 전통적 발전 > 태양광 발전
2. 자동화: 생산의 부분적 자동화 > 완전 자동화
3. 통신: 부분적 연결 > 초연결 사회 (Internet of Things, IoT)
4. 정보산업: 보조적 수준의 컴퓨터 > 스스로 생각하고 해답을 찾는 인공지능
5. 생명공학: 단순 질병 진단·치료 > 모든 질병의 개인별 예측·예방·치료 등등
더 많이 있겠지만 앞으로 공부하고 찾아서 소개해드리도록 하겠습니다. 여러분이 예상하거나 알고 계시는 것도 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Friday, September 22, 2017
e-Credible - a leader in company credit authentication service
e-Credible - a leader in company credit authentication service
이크레더블은 중복적으로 발생하는 기업들의 각종 서류비용을 절감시켜주고 전자조달의 참여를 통한 투명하고 공정한 거래기회를 제공함으로써 수익을 얻습니다.
이크레더블의 주사업인 신용인증서비스는 고객기업의 규모에 따라 5만원 - 45만원을 책정하며 위더스풀과 결제형 B2B e-Marketplace 서비스의 수수료는 거래금액과 계약조건 등에 따라 유동적으로 책정합니다. 아래 매출 구성표를 살펴봅시다.
신용조회사업에서 발생하는 매출의 비중이 큰 것을 알 수 있습니다.
이크레더블은 원재료가 필요 없고 물품을 생산하거나 설비를 갖출 필요가 없는 사업을 하고 있으므로 매출총이익률과 이익률이 상당히 높은데다가 금융업체처럼 부채비율이 높지도 않습니다.
2016년 1분기 매출총이익률은 100% (잘못 계산한 것이 아님 ㅎ), 당기순이익률은 23.77%, 부채비율은 39.84% 입니다.
2015년 매출총이익률은 100%, 당기순이익률은 30.47%, 부채비율은 17.46% 였습니다.
상당히 안정적인 사업을 하고 있음을 알 수 있으며 주가 또한 지속적으로 상승할 것으로 예측됩니다. 이번 브렉시트 파동 때에도 주가는 전혀 빠지지 않았음을 확인 할 수 있습니다.
이크레더블은 중복적으로 발생하는 기업들의 각종 서류비용을 절감시켜주고 전자조달의 참여를 통한 투명하고 공정한 거래기회를 제공함으로써 수익을 얻습니다.
이크레더블의 주사업인 신용인증서비스는 고객기업의 규모에 따라 5만원 - 45만원을 책정하며 위더스풀과 결제형 B2B e-Marketplace 서비스의 수수료는 거래금액과 계약조건 등에 따라 유동적으로 책정합니다. 아래 매출 구성표를 살펴봅시다.
신용조회사업에서 발생하는 매출의 비중이 큰 것을 알 수 있습니다.
이크레더블은 원재료가 필요 없고 물품을 생산하거나 설비를 갖출 필요가 없는 사업을 하고 있으므로 매출총이익률과 이익률이 상당히 높은데다가 금융업체처럼 부채비율이 높지도 않습니다.
2016년 1분기 매출총이익률은 100% (잘못 계산한 것이 아님 ㅎ), 당기순이익률은 23.77%, 부채비율은 39.84% 입니다.
2015년 매출총이익률은 100%, 당기순이익률은 30.47%, 부채비율은 17.46% 였습니다.
상당히 안정적인 사업을 하고 있음을 알 수 있으며 주가 또한 지속적으로 상승할 것으로 예측됩니다. 이번 브렉시트 파동 때에도 주가는 전혀 빠지지 않았음을 확인 할 수 있습니다.
Ubiquoss - connects the worlds with super-high speed Internet device
Ubiquoss - connects the worlds with super-high speed Internet device
초연결사회를 맞이하여서도 그렇고 앞으로는 고화질 영상물의 유통이 늘어나고 이에 필연적으로 데이터 트래픽을 증가시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.
네트워크 장비의 수요 또한 늘어날 것이므로 이러한 장비와 서비스를 공급하는 업체를 찾아야 겠습니다.
아래의 매출 구성표를 봅시다.
스위치와 FTTH 이 두개의 네트워크 장비로 매출을 올리고 있습니다.
그리고 유비쿼스는 재무가 안정적인 회사라는게 인상적입니다.
2016년 1분기 매출총이익률은 41.75%, 당기순이익률은 17.39%, 부채비율은 24.77% 입니다.
2015년 매출총이익률은 39.04%, 당기순이익률은 17.49%, 부채비율은 27.20% 였습니다.
초연결사회를 맞이하여서도 그렇고 앞으로는 고화질 영상물의 유통이 늘어나고 이에 필연적으로 데이터 트래픽을 증가시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.
네트워크 장비의 수요 또한 늘어날 것이므로 이러한 장비와 서비스를 공급하는 업체를 찾아야 겠습니다.
아래의 매출 구성표를 봅시다.
스위치와 FTTH 이 두개의 네트워크 장비로 매출을 올리고 있습니다.
그리고 유비쿼스는 재무가 안정적인 회사라는게 인상적입니다.
2016년 1분기 매출총이익률은 41.75%, 당기순이익률은 17.39%, 부채비율은 24.77% 입니다.
2015년 매출총이익률은 39.04%, 당기순이익률은 17.49%, 부채비율은 27.20% 였습니다.
Nuritelecom - energy IoT
Nuritelecom - energy IoT
태양광을 필두로 한 신재생에너지를 이용하기 위해서는 효율적인 에너지 사용이 전제되어야 합니다. 그 이유는 신재생에너지를 이용한 발전들이 태생적으로 불규칙한 공급을 하기 때문이지요. 이를 위해 전력수요를 정확히 파악하고 예측해서 미리 분배할 계획을 세우는 것이 매우 중요합니다.
얼마전에 소개했던 피에스텍도 스마트검침 분야에서 두각을 나타낼 것으로 예상했었는데 오늘 보니 누리텔레콤은 다가오는 초연결시대에 더욱 더 대비가 잘 되어있고 이해도 잘 하고 있는 것 같습니다. 매출 구성을 살펴보겠습니다.
표에서 보듯이 원격검침시스템에서 올리는 매출의 비중이 상당히 높네요.
재무재표를 보고 계산한 결과 누리텔레콤은 2016년 1분기 (제23분기 1분기의) 매출총이익률이 64.67% 네요. 제가 예전에 올렸던 글 ( 에서 보면 매출총이익률이 40%가 넘으면 경쟁력이 있는 기업일 가능성이 높다고 했었는데 누리텔레콤이 그런 기업일지도 모르겠네요. ^^
참고로 작년 (2015년) 매출총이익은 43.63% 였습니다.
태양광을 필두로 한 신재생에너지를 이용하기 위해서는 효율적인 에너지 사용이 전제되어야 합니다. 그 이유는 신재생에너지를 이용한 발전들이 태생적으로 불규칙한 공급을 하기 때문이지요. 이를 위해 전력수요를 정확히 파악하고 예측해서 미리 분배할 계획을 세우는 것이 매우 중요합니다.
얼마전에 소개했던 피에스텍도 스마트검침 분야에서 두각을 나타낼 것으로 예상했었는데 오늘 보니 누리텔레콤은 다가오는 초연결시대에 더욱 더 대비가 잘 되어있고 이해도 잘 하고 있는 것 같습니다. 매출 구성을 살펴보겠습니다.
표에서 보듯이 원격검침시스템에서 올리는 매출의 비중이 상당히 높네요.
재무재표를 보고 계산한 결과 누리텔레콤은 2016년 1분기 (제23분기 1분기의) 매출총이익률이 64.67% 네요. 제가 예전에 올렸던 글 ( 에서 보면 매출총이익률이 40%가 넘으면 경쟁력이 있는 기업일 가능성이 높다고 했었는데 누리텔레콤이 그런 기업일지도 모르겠네요. ^^
참고로 작년 (2015년) 매출총이익은 43.63% 였습니다.
Kocom - smart home system
Kocom - smart home system
어제 간단히 살펴본 에스넷과 마찬가지로 IoT 관련 사업을 하는 기업입니다. 하지만 IoT 내에서의 사업영역은 조금 다르다고 볼 수 있겠습니다.
제목에서 보듯이 코콤은 가정에서 쓰이는 기기들을 연결시키는데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
사업 부문별 매출 구성을 살펴보도록 합시다.
매출의 80%가 스마트 홈 시스템에서 거둔 것이었으며 앞으로의 전망도 나쁘지 않습니다. 그리고 위 표에는 나와있지 않지만 코콤의 매출액과 영업이익이 해마다 조금씩 증가하고 부채비율도 23% 내외인 것을 보고 알 수 있듯이 재무상황도 건전한 것으로 판단됩니다.
IoT가 결합된 LED 조명과 CCTV 시스템도 지금은 매출 견인에 적은 역할을 하고 있지만 개인적으로 이 둘 역시 앞으로의 성장이 기대되는 부문이며 실제 LED는 매출이 신장되고 있습니다.
어제 간단히 살펴본 에스넷과 마찬가지로 IoT 관련 사업을 하는 기업입니다. 하지만 IoT 내에서의 사업영역은 조금 다르다고 볼 수 있겠습니다.
제목에서 보듯이 코콤은 가정에서 쓰이는 기기들을 연결시키는데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
사업 부문별 매출 구성을 살펴보도록 합시다.
매출의 80%가 스마트 홈 시스템에서 거둔 것이었으며 앞으로의 전망도 나쁘지 않습니다. 그리고 위 표에는 나와있지 않지만 코콤의 매출액과 영업이익이 해마다 조금씩 증가하고 부채비율도 23% 내외인 것을 보고 알 수 있듯이 재무상황도 건전한 것으로 판단됩니다.
IoT가 결합된 LED 조명과 CCTV 시스템도 지금은 매출 견인에 적은 역할을 하고 있지만 개인적으로 이 둘 역시 앞으로의 성장이 기대되는 부문이며 실제 LED는 매출이 신장되고 있습니다.
Snet systems - prepares IoT era
Snet systems - prepares IoT era
4차 산업혁명이 다가오고 있습니다. 이 변화의 특징은 극단적인 자동화와 극단적인 연결성으로 요약할 수 있습니다. 극단적인 연결성이 발현되는 초연결 사회를 맞이하여 어떤 회사가 주목을 받고 이익을 거둘 수 있을까요?
아래의 표에서 보시다시피 현재까지의 실적으로만 따진다면 에스넷은 우량회사라 할 수가 없겠습니다.
하지만 저는 그래도 에스넷에 주목해야 할 필요성을 주장하는데 그 이유는 에스넷이 벌이는 신규사업인 사물인터넷 (Internet of Things, IoT) 때문입니다.
에스넷의 사물인터넷
1. IoT 컨설팅
서울 디지털기본계획 (IoT 분야) 2020 수립 용역사업
미래창조과학부 스마트시티 (부산시) 실증사업
2. IoT 구현
서울시 교통자가망 (무선 Mesh) 인프라 구축 및 서비스 연계사업
USN (RFID) 기반 문화재 안전관리시스템 구축
축산물 이력관리, 문화재 이력관리 시스템 구축
박물관·과학관 무인안내 시스템 구축
4차 산업혁명이 다가오고 있습니다. 이 변화의 특징은 극단적인 자동화와 극단적인 연결성으로 요약할 수 있습니다. 극단적인 연결성이 발현되는 초연결 사회를 맞이하여 어떤 회사가 주목을 받고 이익을 거둘 수 있을까요?
아래의 표에서 보시다시피 현재까지의 실적으로만 따진다면 에스넷은 우량회사라 할 수가 없겠습니다.
하지만 저는 그래도 에스넷에 주목해야 할 필요성을 주장하는데 그 이유는 에스넷이 벌이는 신규사업인 사물인터넷 (Internet of Things, IoT) 때문입니다.
에스넷의 사물인터넷
1. IoT 컨설팅
서울 디지털기본계획 (IoT 분야) 2020 수립 용역사업
미래창조과학부 스마트시티 (부산시) 실증사업
2. IoT 구현
서울시 교통자가망 (무선 Mesh) 인프라 구축 및 서비스 연계사업
USN (RFID) 기반 문화재 안전관리시스템 구축
축산물 이력관리, 문화재 이력관리 시스템 구축
박물관·과학관 무인안내 시스템 구축
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Hanhwa Chemical - leads solar industry
Hanhwa Chemical - leads solar industry
As you can see though the first article on this blog ( I definitely believe that energy resource will be 100% replaced by solar power within 10 - 20 years. So I recommend you to buy companies stock in solar industry. Among those companies I've been carefully observing Hanhwa Chemical.
Let's see the revenue structure.
What have you noticed in the table above? I want to point out that Hanhwa Chemical earned much increased money in the solar deparment.
Let's see the revenue structure in more detail.
The earned money from Hanhwa Q Cells already over reached 30% of total sales. The growth curve is very stiff. So I think the stock price would reflect this growth curve soon, and consequently the stock price would go into increasing status.
Hanwha Chemical also has other reliable departments and will soon solar department will give wings to Hanhwa Chemical.
As you can see though the first article on this blog ( I definitely believe that energy resource will be 100% replaced by solar power within 10 - 20 years. So I recommend you to buy companies stock in solar industry. Among those companies I've been carefully observing Hanhwa Chemical.
Let's see the revenue structure.
What have you noticed in the table above? I want to point out that Hanhwa Chemical earned much increased money in the solar deparment.
Let's see the revenue structure in more detail.
The earned money from Hanhwa Q Cells already over reached 30% of total sales. The growth curve is very stiff. So I think the stock price would reflect this growth curve soon, and consequently the stock price would go into increasing status.
Hanwha Chemical also has other reliable departments and will soon solar department will give wings to Hanhwa Chemical.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Using sub-brand carriers
Using sub-brand carriers
If your smartphone contract ended, why don't you move to one of sub-brand carriers? I'm using a sub-brand carrier.
I was originally using SK Telecom, but after the smartphone contract ended, I moved to EG Mobile, a reseller of KT network. I'm using EG Smart 70 that provide me 200 minutes of voice, 300 MB of data, 100 messages are provided as a standard service.
The picture below shows that I've paid for my phone bill for recent six months.
If you pay unnecessarily much money for the phone bill you can move to a sub-brand carrier and save some money. I recommend you to buy stocks with the saved money :)
In addition to Easy Mobile, there are many cheap sub-brand carriers such as Annextelecom.
Annextelecom -
Hellowmobile -
Snowman -
Mmobile -
Freemobile -
If your smartphone contract ended, why don't you move to one of sub-brand carriers? I'm using a sub-brand carrier.
I was originally using SK Telecom, but after the smartphone contract ended, I moved to EG Mobile, a reseller of KT network. I'm using EG Smart 70 that provide me 200 minutes of voice, 300 MB of data, 100 messages are provided as a standard service.
The picture below shows that I've paid for my phone bill for recent six months.
If you pay unnecessarily much money for the phone bill you can move to a sub-brand carrier and save some money. I recommend you to buy stocks with the saved money :)
In addition to Easy Mobile, there are many cheap sub-brand carriers such as Annextelecom.
Annextelecom -
Hellowmobile -
Snowman -
Mmobile -
Freemobile -
Redrover - produces animations
Redrover - produces animations
The global digital content market is expected to grow from less than 549 billion USD (629.1 trillion KRW)
to more than 733.2 billion USD (840.2 trillion KRW) by 2019.
The digital contents referred here include publications, cartoons, music, games, movies, animations, broadcasts, advertisements, characters, and Redrover is an all-encompassing term, with animations and movies and character licenses.
It is a company that raises sales.
Digital content refers here mean publishing, comics, music, games, movies, animation, broadcasting, advertising, characters, and knowledge information. Red Rover makes sales by making animations and movies and by holding character licences.
Let's see the revenue structure.
The ratio of domestic and overseas sales is around fifty fifty. The Chinese animation market is rapidly expanding, and the sales from this market will increase as well.
Redrover's works (animation for theater)
1. The Nut Job
Released on January 17, 2014. The company achieved sales of 120 million USD in around 140 countries.
It will be released this year (2016). contracted the publication rights for overseas and Chinese market with Double Dutch International and Suning Universal Media signed overseas and Chinese copyright.
3. The Nut Job 2
Scheduled to open in 2017, contracted the publication rights for the world market with Open Road Films, Suning Universal Media, Weinstein Company.
4. MegaRacer
Scheduled to open in 2018
5. The Nut Job 3
Scheduled to open in 2018
6. Pirate Cat
Scheduled to open in 2019
Redrover's works (TV animation)
1. Bolts & Blips
Broadcasted in 2010, 22 minutes × 26 episodes
2. The Beet Party
Broadcasted in 2012, 2 minutes x 104 episodes
3. Bubble Bubble Marin (Bubble Bubble Marin)
Broadcasted in 2014, 11 minutes × 52 episodes
The global digital content market is expected to grow from less than 549 billion USD (629.1 trillion KRW)
to more than 733.2 billion USD (840.2 trillion KRW) by 2019.
The digital contents referred here include publications, cartoons, music, games, movies, animations, broadcasts, advertisements, characters, and Redrover is an all-encompassing term, with animations and movies and character licenses.
It is a company that raises sales.
Digital content refers here mean publishing, comics, music, games, movies, animation, broadcasting, advertising, characters, and knowledge information. Red Rover makes sales by making animations and movies and by holding character licences.
Let's see the revenue structure.
The ratio of domestic and overseas sales is around fifty fifty. The Chinese animation market is rapidly expanding, and the sales from this market will increase as well.
Redrover's works (animation for theater)
1. The Nut Job
Released on January 17, 2014. The company achieved sales of 120 million USD in around 140 countries.
It will be released this year (2016). contracted the publication rights for overseas and Chinese market with Double Dutch International and Suning Universal Media signed overseas and Chinese copyright.
3. The Nut Job 2
Scheduled to open in 2017, contracted the publication rights for the world market with Open Road Films, Suning Universal Media, Weinstein Company.
4. MegaRacer
Scheduled to open in 2018
5. The Nut Job 3
Scheduled to open in 2018
6. Pirate Cat
Scheduled to open in 2019
Redrover's works (TV animation)
1. Bolts & Blips
Broadcasted in 2010, 22 minutes × 26 episodes
2. The Beet Party
Broadcasted in 2012, 2 minutes x 104 episodes
3. Bubble Bubble Marin (Bubble Bubble Marin)
Broadcasted in 2014, 11 minutes × 52 episodes
Hankuk Carbon - composite material producing company
Hankuk Carbon - composite material producing company
Carbon-based materials generally have high strength, high elasticity, and their applications are very diverse. Demand for carbon materials, which have 10 times higher strength but only 25% weight compared with iron is expected to increase in the future.
Let's look at the sales composition of Hankuk Carbon.
As you can see, we see that sales relying on LNG carriers are close to 60%. In the super long term, LNG demand is expected to decline, and demand of LNG carriers that deliver it are also expected to decrease, which should lead to a decline in sales of Hankuk Carbon.
However, in 10 to 20 years of time period, this is expected to offset the decline in sales from LNG carriers, as carbon fibers will be applied to automobiles, and insulation materials used for housing construction will require higher performance. It is likely to surpass the sales from the current LNG carrier.
Carbon-based materials generally have high strength, high elasticity, and their applications are very diverse. Demand for carbon materials, which have 10 times higher strength but only 25% weight compared with iron is expected to increase in the future.
Let's look at the sales composition of Hankuk Carbon.
As you can see, we see that sales relying on LNG carriers are close to 60%. In the super long term, LNG demand is expected to decline, and demand of LNG carriers that deliver it are also expected to decrease, which should lead to a decline in sales of Hankuk Carbon.
However, in 10 to 20 years of time period, this is expected to offset the decline in sales from LNG carriers, as carbon fibers will be applied to automobiles, and insulation materials used for housing construction will require higher performance. It is likely to surpass the sales from the current LNG carrier.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Chorokbaem - makes broadcasting contents
Chorokbaem (Green Snake) - makes broadcasting contents
The broadcasting business mainly makes profits by producing some programs and delivering it to the broadcasting station. To produce these programs, we require an accumulated know-how in the business field not only a high quality of human resources, so I want to evaluate that the potential of Chorokbaem is high.
The table below shows sales composition of Chorokbaem.
Next, let's see the major works of Chorokbaem.
SBS dramas and sitcoms
올인, 로비스트, 때려, 2004 신인간시장, 일지매, 도롱뇽도사와 그림자 조작단, 귀엽거나 미치거나
MBC dramas and sitcoms
주몽, 불새, 불꽃놀이, 케세라세라, 90일 사랑할 시간, 거침없이 하이킥,
지붕 뚫고 하이킥, 하이킥! 짧은 다리의 역습, 크크섬의 비밀
KBS dramas
바람의 나라, 추노, 오작교 형제들, 전우치, 프로듀사
tvN dramas and sitcoms
인현왕후의 남자, 나인, 고교처세왕, 삼총사, 하트 투 하트, 오 나의 귀신님, 감자별 2013QR3, 또 오해영
As you can see, there are a lot of popular dramas and sitcoms.
The future of Chorokbaem
Until now, the outsourcing companies such as Chorokbaem have been losing ground. Outsourcing productions have produced programs financially sponsored by broadcasting stations, so it was difficult for them to claim their beneficiary right against the contractors.
However, on October 1, 2015, outsourcing productions should have produced ready-made programs after China, which has a bigger broadcasting market than Korea, has changed deliberation process from deliberating step by step along as a program broadcast to deliberating the whole series of a program at once. To this end, outsourcing productions have begun to replace their financial support from domestic broadcasting stations to Chinese huge capitals, making them that they don't need to watch out for contractors any more.
replace production costs that they have received from broadcasting stations with Chinese giant capital, which is why there is no need to look at the broadcasters' original minds in contract negotiations.
A production NEW, which produced 태양의 후예, can be a good example. NEW and KBS paid for the production expenses on a fifty-fifty basis, but they shared the profits on a sixty-forty basis.
Also, from July 28, 2016, indirect advertising for outsourcing productions will be allowed. This makes it more easier for outsourcing productions to directly sell indirect advertisements, finally allowing that they can create creative advertisements and find the financial resources, which are needed to produce broadcasting contents.
Ultimately, the Fin Syn Rule of the United States, which prohibits contractors from having publication rights of programs created by outsourcing productions, will also also be applied to Korea, so that unnecessarily powerful influence of broadcasters will be weakened. I hope that the rights of various program providers will eventually be guaranteed.
The broadcasting business mainly makes profits by producing some programs and delivering it to the broadcasting station. To produce these programs, we require an accumulated know-how in the business field not only a high quality of human resources, so I want to evaluate that the potential of Chorokbaem is high.
The table below shows sales composition of Chorokbaem.
Next, let's see the major works of Chorokbaem.
SBS dramas and sitcoms
올인, 로비스트, 때려, 2004 신인간시장, 일지매, 도롱뇽도사와 그림자 조작단, 귀엽거나 미치거나
MBC dramas and sitcoms
주몽, 불새, 불꽃놀이, 케세라세라, 90일 사랑할 시간, 거침없이 하이킥,
지붕 뚫고 하이킥, 하이킥! 짧은 다리의 역습, 크크섬의 비밀
KBS dramas
바람의 나라, 추노, 오작교 형제들, 전우치, 프로듀사
tvN dramas and sitcoms
인현왕후의 남자, 나인, 고교처세왕, 삼총사, 하트 투 하트, 오 나의 귀신님, 감자별 2013QR3, 또 오해영
As you can see, there are a lot of popular dramas and sitcoms.
The future of Chorokbaem
Until now, the outsourcing companies such as Chorokbaem have been losing ground. Outsourcing productions have produced programs financially sponsored by broadcasting stations, so it was difficult for them to claim their beneficiary right against the contractors.
However, on October 1, 2015, outsourcing productions should have produced ready-made programs after China, which has a bigger broadcasting market than Korea, has changed deliberation process from deliberating step by step along as a program broadcast to deliberating the whole series of a program at once. To this end, outsourcing productions have begun to replace their financial support from domestic broadcasting stations to Chinese huge capitals, making them that they don't need to watch out for contractors any more.
replace production costs that they have received from broadcasting stations with Chinese giant capital, which is why there is no need to look at the broadcasters' original minds in contract negotiations.
A production NEW, which produced 태양의 후예, can be a good example. NEW and KBS paid for the production expenses on a fifty-fifty basis, but they shared the profits on a sixty-forty basis.
Also, from July 28, 2016, indirect advertising for outsourcing productions will be allowed. This makes it more easier for outsourcing productions to directly sell indirect advertisements, finally allowing that they can create creative advertisements and find the financial resources, which are needed to produce broadcasting contents.
Ultimately, the Fin Syn Rule of the United States, which prohibits contractors from having publication rights of programs created by outsourcing productions, will also also be applied to Korea, so that unnecessarily powerful influence of broadcasters will be weakened. I hope that the rights of various program providers will eventually be guaranteed.
JVM - a company for auto-pharmacy dispensing systems
JVM - a company for auto-pharmacy dispensing systems
JVM is a company that has an active role in the pharmacy automation market. This company does a business to hospitals and pharmacies around the world exporting products to 33 countries.
JVM makes and sells several types of auto-pharmacy dispensing systems: automatic tablet dispensing & packaging system (ATDPS), automatic tablet & powder packing system (SEMI-AUTO), automatic medication inspection system (VIZEN), automatic tablet registration system (T-mate), and fully automatic dispensing and cabinet system (INTI Pharm).
ATDPS - automatically classifies, distributes, and packs drugs linked with a pharmacy computer system.
SEMI-AUTO - allows from single dispensing to complex dispensing with tablet and powder depending on user options.
VIZEN - automatically checks dispensed medicines to make sure if the prescription is safe and correct.
T-mate - is a drug registration system for comparing standard drugs on VIZEN and is possible to be used as check and drug information on VIZEN.
INTI Pharm - is a fully automated dispensing cabinet that automatically dispenses necessary prescribed medications to each patient.
JVM is a company that has an active role in the pharmacy automation market. This company does a business to hospitals and pharmacies around the world exporting products to 33 countries.
JVM makes and sells several types of auto-pharmacy dispensing systems: automatic tablet dispensing & packaging system (ATDPS), automatic tablet & powder packing system (SEMI-AUTO), automatic medication inspection system (VIZEN), automatic tablet registration system (T-mate), and fully automatic dispensing and cabinet system (INTI Pharm).
ATDPS - automatically classifies, distributes, and packs drugs linked with a pharmacy computer system.
SEMI-AUTO - allows from single dispensing to complex dispensing with tablet and powder depending on user options.
VIZEN - automatically checks dispensed medicines to make sure if the prescription is safe and correct.
T-mate - is a drug registration system for comparing standard drugs on VIZEN and is possible to be used as check and drug information on VIZEN.
INTI Pharm - is a fully automated dispensing cabinet that automatically dispenses necessary prescribed medications to each patient.
Monday, September 18, 2017
SGA Solutions - electronic security business
SGA Solutions - electronic security business
SGA Solutions has three businesses as you see below.
1. Server security - develops server security solution and build integrated security system
2. Application security - provides digital signature (PKI) based authentication, application security, and electronic document solution
3. Physical security - sells Motorola solution, Radio solutions
Server security business
The core of server security technology is to provide network control, user control, file and process control, hacking blocking, and log management on operating systems such as UNIX, LINUX, and WINDOWS. To do this, We have to realize user behavior-based access control at the kernel level of the operating system. SGA Solutions provides a powerful server security solution that can detect and block attacks that are not detected by signature-based security solutions.
For server security, SGA Solutions has RedCastle V4.0 (enables secondary authentication when accessing servers) and AuthCastle (supports PKI, OTP, and ARS authentication) as their products. Based on these two products, they won a contract of "Order Control System Construction Project" of the banking sector.
Application security business
They provide one-stop solution about mobile account issuing system of stock firms and email service, which distributes electronic documents by building a certified e-document authority.
In the future, it is expected that all payments will be made in non-ActiveX environment. SGA Solutions will develop FIDO authentication platform, which is the next generation authentication, along with domestic mobile communication company, to meet the paradigm of changing authentication market.
Physical security business
SGA Solutions is planning to supply Motorola's digital radio products with an agreement with SBCK that is an IT distributor in Korea. As analog product licenses expire by 2018 and demand for new digital products will increase, I expect that SGA Solutions will make profits by monopolistic supplying Motorola's entry-level digital products to the market.
SGA Solutions has three businesses as you see below.
1. Server security - develops server security solution and build integrated security system
2. Application security - provides digital signature (PKI) based authentication, application security, and electronic document solution
3. Physical security - sells Motorola solution, Radio solutions
Server security business
The core of server security technology is to provide network control, user control, file and process control, hacking blocking, and log management on operating systems such as UNIX, LINUX, and WINDOWS. To do this, We have to realize user behavior-based access control at the kernel level of the operating system. SGA Solutions provides a powerful server security solution that can detect and block attacks that are not detected by signature-based security solutions.
For server security, SGA Solutions has RedCastle V4.0 (enables secondary authentication when accessing servers) and AuthCastle (supports PKI, OTP, and ARS authentication) as their products. Based on these two products, they won a contract of "Order Control System Construction Project" of the banking sector.
Application security business
They provide one-stop solution about mobile account issuing system of stock firms and email service, which distributes electronic documents by building a certified e-document authority.
In the future, it is expected that all payments will be made in non-ActiveX environment. SGA Solutions will develop FIDO authentication platform, which is the next generation authentication, along with domestic mobile communication company, to meet the paradigm of changing authentication market.
Physical security business
SGA Solutions is planning to supply Motorola's digital radio products with an agreement with SBCK that is an IT distributor in Korea. As analog product licenses expire by 2018 and demand for new digital products will increase, I expect that SGA Solutions will make profits by monopolistic supplying Motorola's entry-level digital products to the market.
Boditech Med - makes point-of-care (POC) testers
Boditech Med - makes point-of-care (POC) testers
The market for in vitro diagnostic devices largely comprises of immunodiagnosis and molecular diagnostics market. It is usually carried out at hospitals though, it might be required to diagnose on the spot. This is called POCT (Point of Care Testing), and the market size of it is increasing. Diagnostic devices made by Boditech Med are created targeting the both hospital and POCT market at the same time.
In vitro diagnostic devices have two parts, the body part (device itself) and diagnostic cartridges (consumable products), which are inserted with the specimen into the diagnostic device. Boditech Med has so far focused on a product ichroma and several diagnostic cartridges for it. Boditech Med had sales of 39.8 billion KRW in 2015 with only this one product. Five more new products will be released in the future (some are already in the market). I expect the outlook for this company to be bright.
Diagnostic devices - account for 15% of sales
ichroma: Diagnoses 20 diseases (cancer, cardiovascular disease, hormone metabolism disorder, diabetes, etc.)
ichroma2: Improved design and added touch and bluetooth function to previous ichroma
AFIAS-1: Fully automatic examination device, diagnoses 11 diseases (infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hormone etc.), for small hospitals
AFIAS-6: Fully automated examination device, diagnoses 11 diseases (infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hormone, etc.), diagnosing 6 samples simultaneously, for mid-size hospitals
AFIAS-50: Fully automatic inspection device, 11 diseases diagnosis (infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hormone, etc.), for large hospitals
TRIAS: Portable Super Sensitive Immunodiagnostic Device
Hemochroma PLUS: Measures total hemoglobin concentration from 15 μl of blood within 3 sec
Diagnostic cartridges (diagnostic reagents) - account for 85% of sales
Boditech Med can now produce 33 kinds of diagnostic cartridges. They are planning to expand up to 50 types by 2019.
Boditech Med cares their employees
Boditech Med is well known to have a good welfare for employees. I was impressed that this growing company so much support the whole employees.
Targeting overseas market by Boditech Med
Boditech Med is positioned as the No.1 brand in Chinese market. The reason is that there is 'Rapid Medical' in China besides the Department of Diagnostic Medicine.
Rapid medical is the department where you have to visit 1 hr prior before you see a doctor. At this department, a lot of infants, who have very invisible blood vessels, are major visitors, so that Boditech Med's products, which allow diagnoses with one drop of blood, could rapidly raise occupation rate. China has abolished the birth control policy, and the population of China is now expected to increase much in the future. in the IVD market, Boditech Med is likely to make more sales in China.
However, due to the high dependence on the Chinese market, Boditech Med is also paying attention to find other markets outside of China.
In Japan, they are gonna increase sales by collaborating with a company ARKRAY. In the US market this year, they acquired 100% of the shares of Immunostics Inc, which will be used to target the market.
The market for in vitro diagnostic devices largely comprises of immunodiagnosis and molecular diagnostics market. It is usually carried out at hospitals though, it might be required to diagnose on the spot. This is called POCT (Point of Care Testing), and the market size of it is increasing. Diagnostic devices made by Boditech Med are created targeting the both hospital and POCT market at the same time.
In vitro diagnostic devices have two parts, the body part (device itself) and diagnostic cartridges (consumable products), which are inserted with the specimen into the diagnostic device. Boditech Med has so far focused on a product ichroma and several diagnostic cartridges for it. Boditech Med had sales of 39.8 billion KRW in 2015 with only this one product. Five more new products will be released in the future (some are already in the market). I expect the outlook for this company to be bright.
Diagnostic devices - account for 15% of sales
ichroma: Diagnoses 20 diseases (cancer, cardiovascular disease, hormone metabolism disorder, diabetes, etc.)
ichroma2: Improved design and added touch and bluetooth function to previous ichroma
AFIAS-1: Fully automatic examination device, diagnoses 11 diseases (infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hormone etc.), for small hospitals
AFIAS-6: Fully automated examination device, diagnoses 11 diseases (infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hormone, etc.), diagnosing 6 samples simultaneously, for mid-size hospitals
AFIAS-50: Fully automatic inspection device, 11 diseases diagnosis (infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hormone, etc.), for large hospitals
TRIAS: Portable Super Sensitive Immunodiagnostic Device
Hemochroma PLUS: Measures total hemoglobin concentration from 15 μl of blood within 3 sec
Diagnostic cartridges (diagnostic reagents) - account for 85% of sales
Boditech Med can now produce 33 kinds of diagnostic cartridges. They are planning to expand up to 50 types by 2019.
Boditech Med cares their employees
Boditech Med is well known to have a good welfare for employees. I was impressed that this growing company so much support the whole employees.
Targeting overseas market by Boditech Med
Boditech Med is positioned as the No.1 brand in Chinese market. The reason is that there is 'Rapid Medical' in China besides the Department of Diagnostic Medicine.
Rapid medical is the department where you have to visit 1 hr prior before you see a doctor. At this department, a lot of infants, who have very invisible blood vessels, are major visitors, so that Boditech Med's products, which allow diagnoses with one drop of blood, could rapidly raise occupation rate. China has abolished the birth control policy, and the population of China is now expected to increase much in the future. in the IVD market, Boditech Med is likely to make more sales in China.
However, due to the high dependence on the Chinese market, Boditech Med is also paying attention to find other markets outside of China.
In Japan, they are gonna increase sales by collaborating with a company ARKRAY. In the US market this year, they acquired 100% of the shares of Immunostics Inc, which will be used to target the market.
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